


  • Competition Title

    2024 Big International Design Competition [Public space design Project 1]
  • Purpose of the Competition

    • Discovering outstanding public designs to create an attractive "Global Hub City, Busan"
    • Discovering, developing, and disseminating world-class public designs for Busan
  • Host

    Busan Metropolitan City, Design Council Busan
  • Application period

    • Stage 1 Proposal Submission : 2024. 03. 25. (Mon) ~ 2024. 04. 22. (Mon), 18:00
    • Stage 2 Entry Submission : 2024. 07. 15. (Mon), 18:00
  • Announcement of Final Selected finalist

    2024. 07. 22. (Mon)
  • Actual Design

    Mid-2024. 08.
  • Construction

    Mid-2024. 09. ~ 10.

Competition Format

  • This competition proceeds as a two-stage international design competition.
  • During the first stage of the competition, proposals (within 10 pages) outlining the progress plan and achievements as the main contents are submitted according to the designated format, and the competition proceeds through written evaluations.
    1. Submission of proposals within 10 pages participant→DCB
    2. Proposal evaluation, selection of finalists (teams) (up to 2 teams) Executive Commitee
    3. Announcement of results for selected finalist for the second stage DCB
  • During the second stage of the competition, designs in the designated format, design books, and presentation materials are submitted, and the competition proceeds through presentation evaluations.
    1. Submission of works by selected finalists (teams) participant→DCB
    2. Evaluation Executive Commitee
    3. Announcement of final selected finalist DCB
  • The final selected party shall enter into a licensing agreement with the Design Council Busan (hereinafter referred to as the Council). Consequently, the amount corresponding to the final prize money of this competition shall serve as the consideration for use. For a period of 5 years, the exclusive right is granted to freely create, produce, and install (including permanent installation) the winning work as a public facility within the designated area and public facilities in the Busan area, and operate it for the general public. However, the Council shall cooperate to ensure that the final selected party conducts design supervision during the implementation design and prototype construction of the selected work.
    ※ If there are no separate objections from the winner until 3 months before the expiration date of the contract, the contract will be renewed for 5 years free of charge.


Design for Place Making + Public Goods for Three Target Areas

  • Public spaces around Busan Station

  • Public spaces around Busan City Hall

  • Public spaces around Gwangalli Beach

  • 1) Public spaces around Busan Station: Located along Jungang-daero 200, Dong-gu, Busan (Length=250m / Width=10m / Area=1,500㎡)
    [Designated Area: Public spaces around Busan Station]
  • 2) Public spaces around Busan City Hall: Located along Jungang-daero 1001, Yeonje-gu, Busan (Length=1,800m / Width=45m / Area=65,888㎡)
    [Designated Area: Public spaces around Busan City Hall]
  • 3) Gwangalli Beach: Located along Suyeong-ro 576, Suyeong-gu, Busan (Length=1,500m / Width=20m / Area=34,980㎡)
    [Designated Area: Public spaces around Gwangalli Beach]

Competition Theme : Place Making + Public Goods Design

* Place Making : Placemaking is an approach to urban planning and design that focuses on the use of spaces by people, rather than physical structures or buildings. The idea is to create functional spaces that are not only practical but also beautiful and meaningful to the people who live, work, and play there

A. Place Making Design

  • Design proposals for the spaces (pedestrian walkways, facades, landscapes, etc.) of the three designated areas (around Busan Station, around Busan City Hall, around Gwangalli Beach)
  • Design proposals reflecting the characteristics of the target areas such as users, environment, etc.
  • Proposal of design solutions for identified problems and issues in the target areas
  • Design proposals considering the integration of surrounding environments, existing facilities, landmarks, etc.
  • Consideration of sustainability, management, and maintenance

B. Public Goods Design

  • Design proposals for seven or more public facilities
  • Mandatory facilities includes all five goods
    Optional facilities includes at least two goods
    • Mandatory facilities : ① Bus Stop (excluding BRT, including city tour), ② Taxi Stand (including Duri-Bal Stand), ③ Street Lights, ④ Guard Rails (Fences), ⑤ Benches
    • Optional facilities : Bicycle Racks, Bollards, Manholes, Pergolas, Beach Facilities (applicable to Gwangalli Beach) among others

※ Reference: Public facilities under the Public Design Promotion Act

  • A. Mass transit facilities such as bus stops and bicycle racks
  • B. Pedestrian safety facilities such as bollards and fences to prevent vehicle entry
  • C. Convenience facilities such as benches, street vending stands, and pergolas
  • D. Supply facilities such as manholes, fire hydrants, and traffic signal control boxes
  • E. Green facilities such as tree protection guards, street planters, and fountain stands
  • F. Information facilities such as guide signs, banner display stands, and designated wall-mounted boards
  • G. Other facilities similar to those listed from A to B

※ Proposal for Public Facility Designs for Three Locations or a Common Design Proposal Applicable to Multiple Locations (e.g., ① Seven Designs for Busan Station, Seven Designs for Busan City Hall, Seven Designs for Gwangalli Beach ② Five Designs for Common Public Facilities, Two Designs for Busan Station, Two Designs for Busan City Hall, Two Designs for Gwangalli Beach, etc.)

※ Encouragement of functional integration design considering the organization and efficiency of complex facilities arrangement and efficiency aspects and include accessories of individual public facilities (e.g., Bus Stop + Info Sign+ Eco + Etc)


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Qualifications for Participation

Domestic and international companies or organizations with expertise in spatial design.

  • The representative company(organization) should have won awards in spatial design-related competitions within the last 3 years from the announcement date or have participated in at least 3 projects in the field of spatial design
    ※ During the application process, proof of project achievements such as project performance certificates may be requested.
  • The applying representative company (organization) must be capable of entering into a contract with the competition organizer (e.g., business entity).
  • The applying representative company (organization) holds all rights regarding the submission, receipt, prize, acquisition, and waiver of contracts related to this design competition document
  • Joint participation composition allows for up to two companies (organizations), and members other than the representative company (organization) are not required to meet the eligibility criteria
    ※ Example Composition: A (Company) + B (Company)
Participation Restrictions
  • Individuals who have received administrative dispositions such as registration cancellation, suspension, closure, business suspension, or similar measures from the relevant authorities as of the participation registration deadline cannot enter the competition
    ※ Applies to representatives and all team members
  • Companies participating in this design competition cannot form joint submissions for this design competition
  • Individuals who have been involved in planning related to this project or design competition, as well as members of the operating committee, cannot participate in this competition
Notes for Participants in Stage 2 Design Competition
  • Limited to two teams that have passed Stage 1 design competition
  • Teams that have passed Stage 1 design competition, including the representative, cannot change team composition
  • The representative of the Stage 2 design competition must not have received administrative dispositions such as registration cancellation, suspension, closure, business suspension, or similar measures from the relevant authorities as of the participation registration deadline
  • Winners of the Stage 2 design competition will receive a prize of 4 million won
    ※ The prize will be awarded upon recognition by the operating committee that there are no disqualifications for the proposed design
Status and Duties of Final Selected finalist
  • The final selected party shall enter into a licensing agreement (license agreement) with the Busan Design Promotion Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation). As a result, the Foundation grants the right to freely create, produce, and install (including permanent installation) the winning work as a public facility within the designated area and public facilities in the Busan area for a period of 5 years and operate it for the general public. However, the consideration for such use is included in the prize money awarded to the final selected party.
    ※ If there are no separate objections from the winner until 3 months before the expiration date of the contract, the contract will be renewed for 5 years free of charge.
  • The final selected party shall be granted the status of the contracting party for design supervision when conducting practical design, prototype production, and installation for more than 7 types of public facilities through review by the Busan Design Promotion Foundation. (The scope of Place making design is not applicable.)
  • Contracts shall be made in accordance with Korean laws (Local Contract Act, etc.) and design supervision contracts shall be concluded based on practical design and prototype construction.
  • The prize money for the final selected party includes consideration for the use of the selected work, practical design, structural review, deliberation and approval, and design supervision costs for prototype construction.


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Division Prize Number of Teams Remarks
Prize for advancing to Stage 2 40,000,000 won
2 teams Includes taxes and various fees
Prize for final selected finalist 70,000,000 won
1 team Includes contract fees, taxes, and various fees

※ Based on the exchange rate of $1 (USD) = ₩1,333 (KRW), with the final exchange rate determined by the exchange rate of the Korea Exchange Bank on the day of payment.

※ Prize is Including administrative expenses.

※ Includes contract fees, taxes, and various fees are Including design supervision costs for actual installation, structural review, deliberation and approval, and construction.

Main Schedule (Draft)

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Division Date Remarks
Announcement 2024. 03. 25. (Mon)
  • Announcement on the website
    https://www.dcb.or.kr and https://big-idc.kr
Stage 1 Inquiry Reception 2024. 03. 26. (Tue)
~ 2024. 04. 01. (Mon), 18:00
  • E-mail inquiry : big-idc@or.kr
  • Phone inquiry
    · Contest Inquiry : 051-790-1091~2
    · Technical inquiry : 051-790-1060~2
Stage 1 Inquiry Responses 2024. 04. 03. (Wen)
  • Responses posted on the website
Stage 1 Proposal Submission 2024. 03. 25. (Mon)
~ 2024. 04. 22. (Mon), 18:00
  • Submission via the website only
Stage 1 Proposal Evaluation within 2024. 04. 26. (Fri)
  • Evaluation of conceptual design proposals and portfolios
  • Selection of Stage 2 design finalists (up to 2 teams)
Announcement of Stage 1 Evaluation Results 2024. 04. 29. (Mon)
  • Announcement on the website
Stage 2 Entry Submission 2024. 07. 15. (Mon), 18:00
  • Submission via the website only
Stage 2 Entry Evaluation within 2024. 07. 19. (Fri)
  • Presentation Evaluation
Announcement of Final Selected finalist 2024. 07. 22. (Mon)
  • Announcement on the website
Actual Design Mid-2024. 08.
  • Selection of actual design contractors separately
Construction Mid-2024. 09. ~ 10.
  • Selection of construction contractors separately

※ All times mentioned in this document and on the website are based on Korean Standard Time (GMT+9) and are subject to adjustment at the discretion of the competition organizers. Any adjustments or changes to the schedule will be announced on the official website (https://big-idc.kr/)

Submission Materials

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Common Items
  • All submissions and inquiries must be made through the competition website (https://big-idc.kr)
  • Submitted files will be used for the publication and promotion of the competition catalog after the competition, and participation in the competition implies agreement with this usage.
  • All submissions must be completed and uploaded before the deadline, taking into account sufficient time for the upload process. ※Failure to complete the upload by the deadline will result in disqualification.
  • All materials related to entries that are not selected for the design competition will be discarded within 6 months from the date of the final selection announcement by the participating company.
Stage 1 Design Proposal Competition
  • Competition Participation Application Form [Format 1]
  • Proposal comprising of a Development Plan and Track Record of the Design Firm as the main content, consisting of 5 pages for the proposal and 5 pages for the portfolio (including images, content, relevant website addresses, etc.) [Refer to Format 2 Writing Guide]
  • Appointment of Representative 1 copy [Format 3] _ In case of joint participation of 2 companies
  • Pledge Agreement 1 copy [Format 4] _ 1 copy per company
  • Confidentiality Agreement 1 copy [Format 5] _ 1 copy per company
  • Consent Form for Utilization such as Promotion and Publication 1 copy [Format 6] _ 1 copy per company
  • Participant List 1 copy [Format 7]
Stage 2 Design Competition
  • Design Description Document 1 copy
  • Presentation Material 1 copy (PPT or PDF within 30 pages, including videos if necessary)
  • Design Images within 10 sheets (jpg, resolution over 300dpi, under 20MB)

Evaluation Criteria and Procedures

  • Evaluation will proceed in two stages: Stage 1 Proposal Evaluation and Stage 2 Design and Presentation Evaluation
  • For the second stage presentation evaluation, overseas companies may conduct their presentations online or through video, depending on the judgment of the hosting institution.
  • Individuals will be excluded from evaluation if they fall under the following reasons, and even if selected, their selection may be revoked if discovered before the final evaluation announcement:
    • Participation with involvement in two or more submissions by the same individual
    • Contact with judges regarding the competition
    • Disclosure of works before the final evaluation announcement (including on social media)
    • If the submitted work is identical or similar to works previously published by others or oneself.
    • If an individual who does not meet the eligibility criteria submits an entry.

Stage 1: Written Evaluation of Submitted Proposals

  • Selection of 2 teams out of all submitted proposals for Stage 2 evaluation
  • The top 2 teams with the highest scores based on evaluation criteria determined through the committee's meeting will be selected

Evaluation Criteria and Weighting

Evaluation Criteria Weighting
Innovativeness 20
Originality and Creativity 20
Efficiency and Functional Integration Idea Level 15
Feasibility 15
Level of Past Achievements 30

※ Proof of project achievements may be requested during the competition process.

Stage 2: Face-to-Face (Presentation) Evaluation for 2 Selected Teams

  • Evaluation of the design outcomes presented by the 2 teams
  • The team with the highest score based on the pre-determined evaluation criteria, as decided by the committee meeting, will be chosen as the winner.
  • Presentation materials should be in PPT or PDF format within 30 pages and cannot be modified after submission
  • Presentation among the members
  • Presentation time includes 15 minutes for design explanation and 15 minutes for Q&A, totaling 30 minutes

Evaluation Criteria and Weighting

Evaluation Criteria Weighting
Functionality and efficiency 20
Creativity and Aesthetics 20
Harmony and Integration with Surrounding Spaces 20
Potential for Space Activation 20
Feasibility and Ease of Maintenance 20

Design and Planning Conditions

  • The final selected finalist will enter into a design supervision contract with Design Council Busan for actual design, prototype installation, and construction supervision, which includes the prize amount (including taxes, fees, etc.).
  • Designs should reflect the characteristics of the target sites while being innovative and implementable in real-world conditions.
    • Consideration of on-site conditions and manufacturability
  • During the final design process, the final selected finalist should consult and confirm with various experts from design firms, architects, manufacturers, and other relevant fields.
  • Detailed arrangements for the final design will be made in consultation with the competition organizer.

Additional Notes

Intellectual Property Rights

  • All submitted documents and designs must be the sole creation of the participant (submitter) and must not infringe upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others. If it is confirmed that the selected work infringes upon the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others, the award will be revoked, and the selected candidate must immediately return the entire prize money received. The participant must indemnify the competition organizer solely at their own expense and responsibility for any objections or lawsuits arising from the selected work infringing upon the intellectual property rights of third parties and must compensate the competition organizer for any losses incurred thereby.
  • Participants must obtain all necessary authorizations and procedures for the use of third-party materials included in the documents and designs and must submit authorization and procedural documents upon request from the competition organizer.
  • Competition participants retain the copyright to the submitted materials.
  • The competition organizer will enter into a separate usage permit agreement for the selected works of the final two companies (1st-stage design competition passers), granting them the right to freely create, produce, and install (including permanent installation) the subject of the competition and public facilities within the designated area of Busan for five years from the date of each contract, with the consideration for such use deemed included in the prize money awarded to the final selected candidate (team).
  • For each of the two teams selected (1st-stage design competition passers), the competition organizer will have the right to use, reproduce, distribute, exhibit, and broadcast the selected works and related submission materials (documents, drawings, designs, etc.) for five years from the date of each contract, and also the right to create derivative works (limited to purposes such as publication, exhibition, and media promotion by the competition organizer).
  • The two teams selected as 1st-stage design competition passers do not have the right to use the results for purposes other than the competition and design service performance without prior written consent from the competition organizer.
  • Rights, agreements, and obligations pursuant to the guidelines, including intellectual property rights and other general rights, shall be maintained for the duration of the respective contracts concluded as part of the competition.
  • The competition organizer may use the selected works and related submission materials (documents, drawings, designs, etc.) of the two teams selected as 1st-stage design competition passers for non-commercial purposes (such as promotion, archiving, reproduction of works, exhibition, distribution, broadcasting, creation of derivative works (within the scope necessary for promotional purposes), and publication). For the submission materials of participants not selected, only two representative images per design competition may be used for archiving and promotion of the competition, and for any other purpose, separate agreement with the parties is required.
  • Depending on future changes in circumstances and agreement with the competition organizer, modifications to the selected works may be requested, and the selected candidate (team) must comply with the reasonable requests of the competition organizer.
  • High-resolution image files of the entries (selected works) may be requested as needed.


  • Participants in this competition may submit objections regarding copyrights and other related matters through the Global Cooperation Team if they have any concerns related to the competition.
  • Disputes regarding the interpretation and execution of this competition will be determined in accordance with relevant laws and practices of the Republic of Korea. In the event of a dispute between a participant and the competition organizer, efforts will be made to resolve it amicably through discussions. However, if the dispute cannot be resolved amicably and legal action is required, the Busan District Court Eastern Branch shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.


  • Information and all submissions registered by participants on the website will not be disclosed until the announcement of the judging results, and participants are required not to publicly disclose their submissions via social media or other channels until the final selection date (scheduled for July 22, 2024) in order to ensure fair judging. Failure to comply with this non-disclosure obligation may result in the cancellation of the selection of the winning entry.
  • No identifiable information, such as codes, symbols, or titles of the works, should be included in any submission.